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Rubber Roller Production Types

Updated: Aug 19, 2021

Rubber Extrusion

One of the main production advantages that RollerTec, Inc. possesses in the rubber roller industry is the utilization of the extrusion process. What is extrusion exactly? This manufacturing process uses an extrusion machine to create variations of rubber material using a die tool and applying high pressure. Soft and untreated rubber is the most common used substance in extruding. The process is then used to shape the unfinished product into a soft, flexible form, where it is then vulcanized to harden into its final form as a usable product.

A rubber extruder machine has two main components. A candescent screw forces the unfinished product along a conveyor as it is processed into the extruder. As the material moves along the conveyor, it is heated and weakened to make the product workable. The weakened material is placed under a massive amount of pressure by the screw and pushed into the die where it is shaped into its final form.

Pros of Extruded Rubber

The rubber extrusion process is an effective and practical approach to manufacturing rubber. Wasted product is kept to an absolute minimum, and the costs are lower compared to other production methods. Rubber extrusion can produce finished products of different sizes in many different shapes. Some of the other benefits of extrusion versus other manufacturing processes is the ability to create extremely complex cross-sections, allowing it to work materials that are fragile, due to the fact that the material only confronts compressive and shear stresses. It can also be used to form components with a superb surface finish.

Molding Process

Molding consists of three different processes, the three types are: molding, transfer molding, and injection molding. Compression molding is the older of the three and is the most cost-effective method. Compression molding, a rubber compound is formed into a raw component. The raw form is placed into a mold cavity to be shaped. The cooking time is a slow process, and in turn requires a long curing time; the cooking time can range from two to three minutes for thin walls to hours for thick walls. One of the advantages of this method is that it is best suited for processing compounds that require large surface areas and utilization for compounds requiring high viscosity and poor flow properties. One of the noted cons of this is, this method can be very time consuming with an extremely low production rate. Some examples of products made utilizing the compression molding process include seals, O-rings, and electrical insulators.

Calendaring Process

Another rubber production method is referred to as calendaring. The process begins with forcing weakened rubber composite into the middle of a series of rotating cylinders. The cylinders will compress the rubber compound, and the thickness of the rubber byproduct is determined by the space between the cylinders, which can be dialed in at a different distance to create diversities in thicknesses. Afterward, the compound is fed into what is known as cooling rollers. Once the compound has successfully made its way out of the cooling rollers, it will then be vulcanized. This process excels at producing sheets of rubberized film. Other advantages of calendering include the ability to maintain and to control product thickness and to produce product that is thinner and wider than what is possible within the extrusion manufacturing process. Some other considerations to note with calendering is that is much more costly when compared to alternatives. For rubber roller quotes, please contact us!

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